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Services - HPP Italia

HPP services

Our goal as HPP ITALIA is to ensure the best possible advice to our customers in the application of the treatment to their products. For this reason we have activated a wide range of services provided 24/7.

Our services for you and your company

Free consultation and tests

We put our and Avure lab expertise at your disposal to help you understand how technology can work for you and the benefits for your products. In case you need it, we also recommend co-packers, packaging suppliers and analysis laboratories that can guarantee a customized solution to your needs.  Because we believe in the effectiveness of our technology, all preliminary product tests are offered completely free of charge.

Refrigerated storage

Our factory is in effect a cold store. The goods are stored in the cold room at 1-3°C both before and after the HPP treatment. It is possible to rent spaces in the cold storage if you do not want to collect the goods immediately.

Assembly and packaging

The HPP treatment is carried out only on packaged products but we also take care of assembling any additional packaging and insert secondary packaging, blisters and similar.

Cartoning and palletizing

We also offer the product cartoning and pallet preparation service for shipping. In addition to cartons, pallet and stackable plastic boxes are also ideal. Freight forwarders can collect pallets and send them to the final destination directly from our premises, without the goods having to return to the sender.


The HPP ITALIA plant has all the certifications of quality and qualification for exports to the United States and Third Countries. We complete daily certificates for exports, in the case of exports to the USA, the treated goods can be shipped directly from our plant.

e test gratuiti

Mettiamo a tua disposizione la nostra esperienza e quella dei laboratori Avure per aiutarti a capire come la tecnologia può fare al caso tuo e i benefici per i tuoi prodotti. Nel caso ne avessi necessità, ci adoperiamo anche per segnalarti co-packer, fornitori di packaging e laboratori di analisi in grado di garantirti una soluzione personalizzata sulle tue esigenze. Proprio perché crediamo nell’efficacia della nostra tecnologia, tutti i test preliminari di prodotto sono offerti in forma completamente gratuita.


e packaging

il trattamento HPP si effettua solo su prodotti confezionati ma ci occupiamo anche di assemblare eventuali confezioni ulteriori e di inserire packaging secondari, blister e simili.

e pallettizzazione

Offriamo anche il servizio di incartonamento prodotto e preparazione dei pallet per la spedizione. Oltre ai cartoni sono ideali anche cassette su bancale e cassoni in plastica impilabili. Gli spedizionieri possono ritirare i pallet e mandarli verso la destinazione finale direttamente dalla nostra sede, senza che la merce debba far ritorno al mittente.


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